This page is intended as a checklist for those intending to set up a PTC course in their area.
If you don’t already have PTC in your country or region, scroll down to read the section ‘Introducing PTC to a new country’.
Step 1: Identify a Local Course Coordinator
Identify a Local Course Coordinator – ideally someone with access to phone/fax/email. This person is responsible for liaising with the Regional PTC Coordinator and PTC Head Office to organise the course. If you are unsure who your Country Coordinator is, please contact us to find out.
Step 2: Arrange a date for the course
Dates should be arranged at least 6 months in advance, 9 months if possible. The PTC Foundation course is 2 days long; however the proven ‘5 day model’ is usually employed, consisting of a 2 day Foundation course, a 1 day Instructors course, followed by a further 2 day Foundation course led by the newly trained Instructors.
Step 3: Identify funding/budget
The Primary Trauma Care Foundation is a non-profit organisation; course instructors are not paid a salary or an honorarium. However, course participants are usually asked to make a small voluntary contribution (appropriate to the locaility in which the course is run) towards running costs.
Step 4: Invite participants
The number of candidates on the course should be limited to between 16 and 20. It is important that no more than twenty participants are admitted as this dilutes the time available in the practical sessions.
Step 5: Identify suitable PTC Instructors
There should be a minimum of 4 instructors for every 20 participants and PTC will assist in identifying other instructors to support the course.
Step 6: Arrange a suitable venue
You will need to arrange catering for the duration of the course plus if possible, a digital projector. If this is not available then a flip chart or blackboard. If no mannequins are available, then you could ask for volunteers from those participating.
Step 7: Check for course materials
Check you have course materials available in the local language, and arrange for translation if needed (this usually takes around 6 to 9 months).
Step 8: Publicise the Course
Inform local newspapers/media of the PTC course taking place, and encourage them to give it publicity! You should also email course details to
Step 9: Wider Strategy
Each PTC course should be part of a wider strategy for the running of future PTC courses in the area.
Introducing PTC to a new country
The most essential requirement for introducing PTC to a new country is a voluntary request from the host country; this usual originates from a key anaesthetic, surgical or other medical body.
A sustainable PTC training programme needs certain key components:
- Buy-in from key stakeholders such as Government organizations, Ministries of Health, World Health Organisation (WHO) representatives, and a cross speciality clinical representation.
- A motivated ‘Link’ person, usually a top level Clinician, who can liaise between these key stakeholders
The setup process is usually as follows:
The Assessment Visit
An assessment visit by key senior PTC Instructors to meet key stakeholders has shown to be of great benefit, and is used to iron out local logistic and possible political details, and to ensure full agreement and co-operation at all levels.
Inaugural Course & Country Team
Successful and sustainable PTC courses have had at their core a well led and functioning Country PTC Team. This is usually set up at the end of an initial overseas led inaugural course. This team has as its Chair a well respected figure head, either political, religious or medical, and a person who has the respect of all. The ‘Link’ person then works with this team, to plan a roll out programme for the region or country in question.
Practical Considerations
Course Materials
The PTC course material must be presented in the language of the host country, unless English is well understood and acceptable. You may therefore need to check whether translation of materials is required – from our experience, this takes approximately six to nine months (and must be completed prior to the first course).
Whom to invite?
Primary Trauma Care is intended to reach all areas of a country. The instructors on the inaugural course should be the most senior surgeons, anaesthesiologists/anaesthetists and emergency medicine physicians in the area. Unless top level medical representatives catch the vision and the potential of Primary Trauma Care, it will not disseminate to peripheral hospitals.
If the Anaesthetic Society of a country requests a course it is essential that their surgical counterparts are invited to participate and assist in the running and structuring of the course. It is also essential to involve and gain the support of organisations such as the Local or National Ministry of Health in the setting up of the inaugural course.
Host countries should understand the following:
- The PTC course is open to all; anyone with a legitimate professional interest in trauma may participate.
- Initial courses should be aimed at doctors and other senior health professionals. Once PTC is established in a country, other health professionals can be trained, e.g. registered nurses, health officers, ambulance paramedics and police officers.
- The key objective is that the course is taught at the district general hospital level and can then be extended to rural areas.
Contact us
If, in the light of the above information, you are interested in setting up PTC in your country or region, we would be pleased to hear from you! Please contact us discuss your interests further.