PTCF Honours

These are the people who have recently really gone the extra mile for PTCF. Invariably they have a full time job in addition to their PTC work; their dedication and commitment is therefore all the more special. Thank you to one and all!

Click on a person to read about their honour. View all honours by country on the ‘PTCF People‘ page (look out for the gold, silver and bronze trophies next to the names!)

Honours Criteria

The PTCF would have nothing without the incredible contribution of time and expertise made by these dedicated people. They are indeed our heroes.

Our honours criteria are found below (honours criteria are cumulative – e.g. to achieve Silver, you must meet the criteria for Bronze + Silver). If you know of someone who you think should receive a PTCF Honour, please do let us know ASAP.

Bronze: This award recognises that the individual has been a PTC Instructor at least 2 times.

Silver: This award recognises that the individual has been part of the PTC Instructor Course Faculty at least 2 times.

Gold: This award recognises that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.

Approval for all honours is given by the PTCF Chief Executive, with advice from colleagues, including the relevant Country Leadership Teams.

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