We have just launched our £1 Appeal on BBC Oxford Radio. You can listen to it above.
We would love your support too! Please support PTCF and help to reduce trauma deaths around the world.
Donate Now
Where Will My Money Go?
So, let me tell you what we will do with your £1.
We have no buildings to maintain, we only employ a part time fundraiser and part time digital consultant, so our running costs are incredibly low.
With your money we will be able to go back into Madagascar, an area where we’ve worked in the past and somewhere we’ve recently received requests for help from. As well as training first responders, we will train the trainers, allowing our valuable training to cascade through the country and leaving Madagascar self-sufficient. Remember we only ever use equipment that is available in the country, so the training is sustainable.
Make A Difference

We are looking for community groups, schools, sports teams, churches, students, cadets and anyone that just loves to raise money for a great cause to help us! Here are a few ideas and it is easy to donate the money you raise right here on our website.
If you are a company and would like to talk to us about us becoming your charity of the year or just donating to our amazing cause, then we would love to hear from you.