Antony Chenhall

Location: Timor Leste

Antony Chenhall is an Emergency Physician based at Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV) in Dili, Timor Leste.

He is team leader for the ATLASS II program, a DFAT funded program of postgraduate medical education and hospital quality improvement based at HNGV and involving the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL). He leads a team of 5 Australian specialist clinicians (Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, Obstetrics, Surgery and Anaesthesia) delivering prevocational training and specialist courses including at diploma and Maters level. His personal focus is on Emergency Medicine and Quality Improvement in the HNGV ED. He enjoys the life and challenges that Timor offers.

He hails from Victoria and trained in Melbourne. He has worked in postgraduate medical education and emergency medicine roles in Timor Leste, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea.

Silver Honour

This award recognises that the individual has been part of the PTC Instructor Course Faculty at least 2 times.

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